
Update, Baking, and Over Thinking

Hey guys,

So this week I really haven’t done much as you could have probably guessed from my last post. On Wednesday I did go to Brownies which was fun. I also tried a Jaffa Cake for the first time there. I also started my 100 happy days. I am going to be on day 4 today. I will do a post after every 10 days of writing them. I am looking into booking a trip with my friend right now to go into mainland Europe for about 2 weeks before I head home. I am also now starting to look into going to Ireland with my sister and my cousin for a weekend when they come here to visit. I have signed up for some more courses as well to try and fill up my time. The only not so fun bit is that none of them really start until the end of February. Last night I got to Skype with my cousins though which was a lot of fun. We had people in two different parts of Canada, one in Hong Kong, and then me in the UK. It was nice to talk to them all like that though it was like we are all together just hanging out at somebody’s house. I think that Skype call alone was the highlight of my week. It really just assured me that where ever I am or they are we will all always have people that care about us. People we can call at 3 am if we are lonely or need to just talk. The fact that my cousin stayed up till about 5 am to talk to us just made me realize how grateful I am to have them in my life. Even if we did’t grow up in the same country or city and we only used to see each other every other Christmas that he is willing to stay up to talk and just put a smile on our faces it meant a lot. It meant a lot to me the day my mom and sister left as well that I was able to call my cousin and just talk to her for a couple hours and in the end we were both in tears but it just was reassuring that even if I am alone in person I am never really alone. I am just very grateful to have them in my life and I love them.

I am still on the countdown though 3 more days until I see my family!! I am super excited. My mom has booked my sister and I to swim with dolphins, which I am both excited and terrified for. I just really hope that dolphins cannot sense fear. When we were in Wales we went to Cardiff Castle which was cool but some of the stairs especially stairs with cracks in between them terrify me. I was walking up them bravely but at the same time very slowly and with the feeling of needing to pee myself. So I figure if stairs give me that feeling (if you couldn’t guess already I’m afraid of heights) then who knows what dolphins will do to me. I have a fear of being bitten or drowning (even though I can swim) or even worse just being attacked by a dolphin or for that matter anything in the water. I will let you know how it goes.

I also think I will make cookies today. I know I know I’m going away but I’m going to take the cookies with me. Plus baking is something I enjoy and is calming and gives me something to do as well as snack on. I found a recipe online of oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookies that I am going to try.  I’ll let you guys know how they turn out and maybe after I make them I will add a picture of them to this post or I will just make a post for them on their own.

On a whole other note since I am going home at the end of May I was looking at trying to get tickets to the One Direction concert that is coming to Canada. The only problem was that there are like no tickets left. There are a couple but they are so expensive that I cannot afford to go. Say what you want but yes I do like One Direction I think they make good music and are all cool people. I really do wish that one day I can see them live. I know I saw them at the BBC Music Awards but they only preformed one song (Steal My Girl) and they were on the far side of the stage so I couldn’t see them very well. Next time they come to a city near me I will definitely go and get tickets early. My schedule when they announced the concert at that point was just so up in the air and unknown where in the world I would be that there was no point in getting them. One day though I will go. There are so many concerts I want to see though such as Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Bastille, Hozier, Kodaline, the 1975, of course One Direction and more. Going to concerts to me just is a magical experience. It makes me live in the moment and forget about everything else and let loose and just makes me genuinely happy.

I am still thinking about starting a YouTube channel but I guess my only worries that are stopping me from starting one right now is just think oh what will people think of me or what if nobody likes me or my content. I guess really if I want to start one I shouldn’t worry about that. I also think about what would my channel be about. I could do like travel stuff and my experiences here as well as the differences between the UK and Canada. At the same time I could do like vlogs but I feel like I don’t do enough to do a vlog. I also think oh I could do something like the YouTubers I like to watch (ThatcherJoe, Caspar Lee, Zoella, Tayna Burr, Jim Chapman,  Pointlessblog, Connor Franta, Bethany Mota, and more) but then I’m also not sure what I would really do. I am kinda putting it off for now until I decide because I just think your first video will kind of guide you into your niche of YouTube and the way you start off your channel is important. So I am really not sure what I want to do.

Anyways I should finish cleaning up and bake my cookies and get ready for my trip with my family. I will let you guys know how the cookies turn out. I probably won’t post while I am on holidays but I will post once I come back and let you know how it went especially with the dolphins.

Ashley xx
