
2015 so far…

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while I was on holiday. As I said last time I was in Glasgow for a week, for Christmas, and then I went to Athens, Greece. Greece was pretty cool; we saw lots of historical landmarks. We visited a lot of the temples for Greek gods as well as the Olympic stadium. We drove around Greece quite a bit. We went to Sparta one day and saw a fortress, we also went to see monuments built for Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and many more. Greece was a lot colder than we thought it would be as well. I learnt that 70% of Greece is mountains and people can ski in Greece. Yes there was snow in Greece! We also learnt that in Athens they have these things called brown outs were about half of our power would go out every night. We spent New Years in Athens as well and to our surprise the restaurant we went to was fairly empty. We also learnt that in Greece there is a fully functioning medieval town that a lot of locals go to. It is hidden behind a mountain and not visible to passers by so not very many tourists go there. We tried to find this town but were not able to and we had to come back to London the next day so we decided to go back to Athens. Then next day we flew back to London and the four of us stayed in my one bedroom flat. It was squishy but we managed to make it work. My dad helped me fix some fuses and lightbulbs I wasn’t able to do by myself. The next day my dad went back to Canada and it was a girls week. My mom, sister, and I did a lot of shopping last week. My sister and I also went horseback riding and of course it poured almost the whole time and the last five minutes of the ride it stopped raining. It was fun though. Thought this trip I realize how much I miss my family and spending time with them and just having other people around you all the time. I have truly learnt that even though London is such a big city and you will always have people around you it can get really lonely. I think that is the worse type of loneliness, being in a big crowd of people and still feeling alone. Yesterday was the last day my mom and sister were in London so we decided to go on a bit of a road trip and went to Cardiff, Wales for the day. We went and saw the castle in Cardiff and then went to Newport and did some shopping in a huge box store type of mall. My mom and sister left today, actually just about 2 hours ago. I went to the airport with them and dropped them off and came home. I really don’t have a lot to do this whole week. I am just really looking forward to seeing them again in about a week and a half.

I was thinking last night just how much I wish I was in my sister’s place and got to do 5 months here living with a host family and getting to go home now. I really wish I could have gone home with them or they could stay here, but as my mom says this is my time to find myself and discover what I am passionate about and what I want from life. It is hard and I’m sure after I see them again I will miss them even more when I have to leave them again. I don’t think I really realized how much I missed them until I saw them again and started spending time with them. Being apart has made my sister and I so much closer but at the same time we miss each other when we are apart and I really miss my mom. My sister and I are both such mommy’s girls that when she leaves it hurts and it just makes you want to break down and cry even just thinking about it. I know I will see them again soon as my sister is supposed to visit me in March for a week, but March just seems so far away. I am seeing them in 11 days now and 11 days seems like eternity.

I am seriously thinking about starting a YouTube channel now as well. My mom, sister, and friends have all told me I should think about  telling some of my stories that way so they can all hear them rather than me telling the same story 10 times. I think I might start a channel when I come up with something to say on it. If you have any suggestions or advice could you please let me know; whither its on starting a channel or creating content or even a channel name.

Anyways I think I’ll leave it there for now as I try my hardest to keep myself busy for the next 11 days. I have a couple things to do as my sister burnt out my lightbulb by hitting her head on the fixture. Oh also for anybody who live in the UK do you know any good private hire taxi companies?  Thanks. I will hopefully update you before I leave to see my family again and then probably sometime when I am with them.

Ashley xx

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