
Very Exciting Week

Hey guys,

Last week was fantastic. I think it was one of the best if not the best weeks I’ve had since I’ve come to London. On Tuesday I went to see “BackChat” with another girl from Canada which was a lot of fun. The guests were Miranda Hart and Joan Collins. Miranda was very funny as well as Jack and Michael Whitehall and I learnt who Joan was that day as well. On Wednesday I went into central London to meet my cousin for dinner (which was great). I got to see Piccadilly Circus lit up for Christmas which was very pretty. I was really craving a burger and fries which I finally got and was fabulous. On Saturday I went to the stables to go for an induction so I would be able to start volunteering in the new year. Sunday I went out for lunch to my family friend’s house and we ate, watched Harry Potter, and got to cuddle with her dog, Gerry. Lastly this week I can not forget the most memorable, most exciting, most wow moment I’ve had in a long time. On Thursday I got to go the the BBC Music Awards!!!!!!!! I was so excited; the line up was amazing it included Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Clean Bandit, Calvin Harris (with John Newman and Ellie Goulding), George Ezra, Will.i.am, Take That, Labrinth and Ella Henderson, and the one the only ONE DIRECTION!! It was so good though I was right at the front so when Ed Sheeran was preforming he was literally right in front of me. The only downside was that One Direction preformed on the other side of the stage to where I was standing. We all got wrist bands that lit up and there was paper stars, strips, and gold sparkles that were shot into the air at different times. Coldplay preformed first which was amazing. I have always wanted to see Coldplay and they did not disappoint. We got in line at 4:30 and had to wait for doors to open at 6, which was pretty cold (I couldn’t feel my feet). Once we got inside though we found our spot which was wonderful and waited for the show to start. One thing I noticed was I thought that since we were in the standing area at the front it would be a bit more rowdy. I thought it would be like a music festival or like pushing or jumping or something but there was none of that. People all just picked their spot to stand and then never moved from that spot and were never really wild or anything. There was some screaming and lots of singing along and arms waving but it was all pretty calm for the most part. It was just the most amazing experience and I’m glad I got to go. I was so excited for Ed Sheeran and One Direction and now I really want to see both of them in concert so badly. I was talking to my sister after the event and I was just saying I just want to see them even more in concert now and I want to meet them and just be friends with them. I know that  makes me sound a bit crazy but oh well. It definatly one of the big highlights of my year and something I will always remember.




After the awards show my friend and I were talking about how through going to these type of events and tv show recordings (and her interning at a radio station) we are realizing that all of these performers or hosts or what ever they do are all just people. People like you and I but with a different talent. We were even talking about YouTubers in the same way because they are just people as well. We were also saying a difference we saw in the UK was that radio presenters are like celebrities here which we find kind of odd. We were talking about how society raises these people to a level above everyone else and its not right. It somewhat dehumanizes them. They are then known to everybody as a celebrity and not really seen as a person as much. I know this is a whole conversation and post of its own but I think people just need to realize that everybody is the same and people just have different talents but everybody is somebody’s brother/sister or cousin or friend or son/daughter. I realized this especially two years ago when I was talking to a girl who knew my cousin because he was on a singing show in Taiwan. It just made it clear that he could make it somewhere if he wanted to in the music business but either way he is still just my cousin and is the same person I grew up with and I’ll always see him that way. I just think that other people must think the same thing whither you are related to One Direction, Coldplay, Jack Whitehall, or somebody known well locally. Okay enough of this for now; I think this is a whole conversation for a later time but is really some food for thought.


This week won’t be half as interesting or busy as last week. I really have nothing to do until Thursday now. I am cleaning this week mostly, not that anything is messy. I am just doing a lot of laundry and getting ready for my mom to get here on Thursday. My whole family is spending Christmas together and we are going on vacation. Oh this week also I had another weird dream; this one was about pigeons. First of all I am terrified of pigeons; in my dream I had pigeons attacking me and I couldn’t do anything about it. Then on Saturday I was on the tube and there was a man feeding pigeons near the tube and I thought they were going to fly into the tube. Well the moral of that story is now I am even more terrified of pigeons and this is after I thought I was getting better about them.

In other news I’ve been craving take away pizza with the crust stuffed with cheese, fries, and mozzarella sticks. If anybody knows where the best places to get these are please let me know and I will be extremely grateful. I also got the BarryM lipstick Genie which is super cool and I have absolutely fallen in love with. You guys should let me know if you want to know about any of the stuff I’ve gotten or been loving and maybe I will do a post either as somewhat of a haul or a favourites. Let me know if you would want that though otherwise I will just continue on writing on what I’ve been up to lately.

I think thats everything for this update and I hope you liked all the pictures. I will update you hopefully a couple more times before Christmas but we’ll have to see how many times I am able to post closer to the time. Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you have a good festive season.

Ashley xx

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