
100 Happy Days (Day 31 – 40)

Day 31: Talking to my cousin, sister, and mom

Day 32: Waking up to a good dream

Day 33: Talking to my mom and sister

Day 34: Making red velvet cupcakes and booking an upcoming trip

Day 35: Talking to two of my cousins

Day 36: Going for a run

Day 37: Purchasing a Sleek pallet and a new nail polish

Day 38: Making cookies and preparing for a trip the next day

Day 39: Going to Stratford-upon-Avon and making a new friend


Day 40: Seeing my cousin and getting to see and explore more of London


100 Happy Days (21 – 30)

Day 21: Talking to my cousin over FaceTime

Day 22: Going to Brownies and talking to my mom and sister

Day 23: Looking into booking a trip with my sister and cousin

Day 24: Making red velvet pancakes with cream cheese icing 


Day 25: Waking up to an awesome dream

Day 26: Going to Greggs and getting a cheese and onion pasty

Day 27: Making plans to go to a concert with my sister and friend in the summer

Day 28: Talking to my mom, sister, cousin, and uncle

Day 29: Going geocaching with GirlGuides

Day 30: Making fries and mac and cheese for dinner


100 Happy Days (Days 11-20)

Day 11: Meeting a lady, who was very funny, in the Bahamas

Day 12: Having lifeguards ask if my sister and I were twins

Day 13: Swimming with dolphins


Day 14: Getting Tim Hortons

Day 15: Going to GirlGuides

Day 16: Getting to FaceTime my mom and sister

Day 17: Getting a facial and having my nails done

Day 18: Spending the day with my cousin (seeing the Natural History Museum (seeing the Wildlife Photographer of the Year) and getting dinner)

Day 19: Booking a day trip (as well it was Harry Styles’ 21st birthday)

Day 20: Successfully taking the bus to Asda and back for the first time by myself


Bahama’s trip and this week

Hi guys,

So I just came back from a family trip this week so I haven’t had a chance to post anything. I went on a trip to the Bahama’s Paradise Island. I flew to Toronto for one night and met my family there and we all flew to the Bahamas together. It was super nice weather, +27 C. We got to go on all the waterslides, lazy rivers, and the pools. It was so much fun! The last day we woke up early and my sister and I got to swim with dolphins! At first I was nervous as I had seen so many things about whales and other sea creatures, but once you got in the water with them they are so cute. There were three dolphins in with us; a mommy, 9 years old, and her baby, 9 months old, and another dolphin to help the mommy out. We got to hug the dolphins, kiss them, swim with them, give them a high five, and have them push us forward by our feet. It was a lot of fun and I would defiantly do it again if I got the chance.

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They told us that about 8 of these dolphins, they have 24 and soon 25 as one is pregnant, came from Louisiana after the hurricane hit. The dolphins were moved to the Bahamas and rehomed in the Dolphin Cay. We got to spend about an hour with the dolphins and now I just love dolphins and understand why people love to watch them, work with them, and just spend time with them in general. I am really not sure what I was ever scared of to begin with.

The Bahamas was a lot of fun though I was grateful that I got to spend time with my family again. Of course I was sad having to leave them but I know I will see them again soon and I have things to look forward to doing in London. My sister and I also took some night pictures and sunset pictures, as she had to do it for her photography class.

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When I came back to London I was so exhausted from a day of traveling. I took a nap and went to GirlGuides later that evening which was fun. I had tons of energy at the beginning and by the end of GirlGuides I was exhausted. This week I also went to the London School of Beauty and got a facial as flying does something to my skin. It was fun and inexpensive as you have a student working on you. Yesterday I spent the day with my cousin and we went to the Natural History Museum and saw the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Those pictures were amazing. We also saw the dinosaur exhibit as well as the rest of the museum. After that we went out for dinner and I went home and he went to play basketball. It was quiet cold out but we had a lot of fun. It was a long fun day though that we will definitely have to do something like that again. IMG_2766 IMG_2767

Anyways I will probably be posting my next 10 days of 100 Happy Days fairly soon and I will update you on more later.

Ashley x.


100 Happy Days

Hi guys,

So as I promised every 10 days I will share my “100 Happy Days” with you guys. Sorry this is a bit late but I just got back from my holiday which I will make a separate post on tomorrow.

Day 1: Getting a ride home to the train station from Girl guides

Day 2: Waking up to texts from family and friends

Day 3: Having my new shoes delivered


Day 4: Skypeing with my cousins and sister

Day 5: Baking cookies and working out

Day 6: Knowing my dog is doing better after she was sick

Day 7: Talking to my mom and sister over FaceTime

Day 8: Having a huge bed to sleep in and being back in Canada

Day 9: Seeing my family and having Tim Hortons


Day 10: Being proud of myself for going down the Mayan temple water slide


Update, Baking, and Over Thinking

Hey guys,

So this week I really haven’t done much as you could have probably guessed from my last post. On Wednesday I did go to Brownies which was fun. I also tried a Jaffa Cake for the first time there. I also started my 100 happy days. I am going to be on day 4 today. I will do a post after every 10 days of writing them. I am looking into booking a trip with my friend right now to go into mainland Europe for about 2 weeks before I head home. I am also now starting to look into going to Ireland with my sister and my cousin for a weekend when they come here to visit. I have signed up for some more courses as well to try and fill up my time. The only not so fun bit is that none of them really start until the end of February. Last night I got to Skype with my cousins though which was a lot of fun. We had people in two different parts of Canada, one in Hong Kong, and then me in the UK. It was nice to talk to them all like that though it was like we are all together just hanging out at somebody’s house. I think that Skype call alone was the highlight of my week. It really just assured me that where ever I am or they are we will all always have people that care about us. People we can call at 3 am if we are lonely or need to just talk. The fact that my cousin stayed up till about 5 am to talk to us just made me realize how grateful I am to have them in my life. Even if we did’t grow up in the same country or city and we only used to see each other every other Christmas that he is willing to stay up to talk and just put a smile on our faces it meant a lot. It meant a lot to me the day my mom and sister left as well that I was able to call my cousin and just talk to her for a couple hours and in the end we were both in tears but it just was reassuring that even if I am alone in person I am never really alone. I am just very grateful to have them in my life and I love them.

I am still on the countdown though 3 more days until I see my family!! I am super excited. My mom has booked my sister and I to swim with dolphins, which I am both excited and terrified for. I just really hope that dolphins cannot sense fear. When we were in Wales we went to Cardiff Castle which was cool but some of the stairs especially stairs with cracks in between them terrify me. I was walking up them bravely but at the same time very slowly and with the feeling of needing to pee myself. So I figure if stairs give me that feeling (if you couldn’t guess already I’m afraid of heights) then who knows what dolphins will do to me. I have a fear of being bitten or drowning (even though I can swim) or even worse just being attacked by a dolphin or for that matter anything in the water. I will let you know how it goes.

I also think I will make cookies today. I know I know I’m going away but I’m going to take the cookies with me. Plus baking is something I enjoy and is calming and gives me something to do as well as snack on. I found a recipe online of oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookies that I am going to try.  I’ll let you guys know how they turn out and maybe after I make them I will add a picture of them to this post or I will just make a post for them on their own.

On a whole other note since I am going home at the end of May I was looking at trying to get tickets to the One Direction concert that is coming to Canada. The only problem was that there are like no tickets left. There are a couple but they are so expensive that I cannot afford to go. Say what you want but yes I do like One Direction I think they make good music and are all cool people. I really do wish that one day I can see them live. I know I saw them at the BBC Music Awards but they only preformed one song (Steal My Girl) and they were on the far side of the stage so I couldn’t see them very well. Next time they come to a city near me I will definitely go and get tickets early. My schedule when they announced the concert at that point was just so up in the air and unknown where in the world I would be that there was no point in getting them. One day though I will go. There are so many concerts I want to see though such as Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Bastille, Hozier, Kodaline, the 1975, of course One Direction and more. Going to concerts to me just is a magical experience. It makes me live in the moment and forget about everything else and let loose and just makes me genuinely happy.

I am still thinking about starting a YouTube channel but I guess my only worries that are stopping me from starting one right now is just think oh what will people think of me or what if nobody likes me or my content. I guess really if I want to start one I shouldn’t worry about that. I also think about what would my channel be about. I could do like travel stuff and my experiences here as well as the differences between the UK and Canada. At the same time I could do like vlogs but I feel like I don’t do enough to do a vlog. I also think oh I could do something like the YouTubers I like to watch (ThatcherJoe, Caspar Lee, Zoella, Tayna Burr, Jim Chapman,  Pointlessblog, Connor Franta, Bethany Mota, and more) but then I’m also not sure what I would really do. I am kinda putting it off for now until I decide because I just think your first video will kind of guide you into your niche of YouTube and the way you start off your channel is important. So I am really not sure what I want to do.

Anyways I should finish cleaning up and bake my cookies and get ready for my trip with my family. I will let you guys know how the cookies turn out. I probably won’t post while I am on holidays but I will post once I come back and let you know how it went especially with the dolphins.

Ashley xx


Mid week update

Hey guys,

So I know my posting over the holidays until now has been a bit sporadic but I promise it will go back to posting weekly.

This week, well half week,  has been the loneliest I have ever been. I think I have been lonely before but never like this; this is being homesick. I was looking online at symptoms of being homesick and how to help it and what I got out of that is that I have every symptom of homesickness. When my mom was in London with me we discussed when I was going to go back home and that was going to be in mid July when my dad was coming to visit me, as he is attending a meeting in Wales at that time. After long talks with my one cousin and my sister I decided I wanted to go home earlier. So I have been talking to my parents and going home at the end of April or in early to mid May is under very strong consideration right now. I do love the UK and I always will and who knows maybe someday I will come back to go to university or something but for now I just really want to be at home with my family and friends. I think when I came I had this ideal picture of what it would be to live by myself; freedom, friends, travelling, and more. I feel like I have not gotten or become the person I want to be but at the same time I don’t want to leave quite yet because I feel like I don’t want to disappoint anyone especially myself. At this point I don’t even know if I want to post this because it is quite personal. I feel like this is just a space for me to write though as if it was a journal so maybe I will post it so I am able to look back on this and know how I felt at this point in time.

I still have 6 days left before I go on holidays with my family and I am quiet excited and I am already packed for the most part. I am also still waiting for a pair of shoes I ordered as well as a laptop cover to come in the mail. I ordered this laptop cover just after New Years and I’m surprised it’s taking this long for it to arrive.

I spent Monday handing out my CV which is not something that comes easily to me. I am very proud of myself for being persistent and self motivated and completing this task though. I printed off 10 resumes and in the end was only able to give away 2 of them which is a bit disappointing considering I went to over a dozen shops. Everywhere said you have to apply online now but you can only apply if they have job vacancies. When I went online none of them had very many job vacancies or if they did they were very far away, like in Sheffield. I still do want to get a job but I have a feeling it will be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.

Yesterday I walked all the way to B&Q which is about 2.6 km both ways. It was cold and rainy and windy and just not fun. I made it though. On the way back I decided to walk to the nearest tube station though which was still about a 20 min walk but it was nowhere near as bad as the walk there. I was wet and muddy and cold so when I came home I just decided I was not going out again I would just sit at home with the heat on. I also watched an episode of “White Collar” with my cousin last night. We decided once a week we would watch something together just to keep each other company and have something to look forward to during the week.

Today I did a lot of laundry but it is frustrating not to have a drier when I was bedding. Washing laundry is an all day task as my flat is small and everything has to hang dry. Since my mom and sister left I haven’t been sleeping as well. I tend to wake up really early and not be able to sleep even though I am going to bed pretty late, as I am talking to my family. I have been waking up early and doing laundry then going back to bed and being able to sleep for an hour or two more than waking up and starting my day by hanging laundry.

Yesterday I also signed up for some more classes. I signed up for a book keeping class and a comedy of YouTube class. So starting at the end of February all the way to the end of April I will have classes. I am hoping this will help me meet people as well as giving me something to to. I am also really hoping that through taking those classes as well as the psychology and anthropology classes I will have a better idea of what I would like to do in university and do as a job. I think I will be going to school at least for my first degree back home and just to a bachelor of arts and start at the very beginning with an undeclared major and minor. I think I want to take human ecology though as well as psychology and who knows maybe business or teaching or some sort of theatre. I am really not sure yet. I know that is one thing my parents want me to figure out while I am here but I am not sure if that will happen or not yet.

I was thinking about it and I feel as if when I came here I should have had more of a plan rather than just saying I’m going to move to London because I like the city and I will just figure it out when I come here. I feel like before my family was here for Christmas I was doing okay and accepting that it was okay to just go out for an hour or two then sit at home and watch Netflix. Or I was at least telling myself it was okay. When my family left I felt as if I was back at step one and sitting at step one broken. I think this is why I really want to go home. I think about it and if I went back home I would get a job, much easier than in London, I would have my friends and family, I would start riding again, and I would maybe audit some classes or shadow people. I feel like I can’t really shadow people here as I don’t know anybody especially I don’t know anybody in jobs I would want.

I find it odd too that it is so rainy and wet in London but my skin is so dry. I’m really not sure why this is but it is not fun. I also think that I am going to start doing something like “100 Happy Days” but I will write them doing in a journal a family friend gave me than every 10 days I will post them. I think if at the end of the day I reflect and find something positive than I may become happier with myself. So I am going to try it for 100 days and if I feel like it is helping and is something I enjoy I will keep doing it. I even find writing posts quiet calming and it puts me in a better mindset already. I guess it just gets all my feelings and concerns out there. Maybe somebody in a similar situation will see this and just know that they are not alone in these type of feelings.

So for now I think I’ve put a lot out there and I just need to post it and digest it and reflect on how I feel and what I want to do. Anyways thanks for being considerate, kind, and understanding with my situation right now.


Ashley xx


2015 so far…

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while I was on holiday. As I said last time I was in Glasgow for a week, for Christmas, and then I went to Athens, Greece. Greece was pretty cool; we saw lots of historical landmarks. We visited a lot of the temples for Greek gods as well as the Olympic stadium. We drove around Greece quite a bit. We went to Sparta one day and saw a fortress, we also went to see monuments built for Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and many more. Greece was a lot colder than we thought it would be as well. I learnt that 70% of Greece is mountains and people can ski in Greece. Yes there was snow in Greece! We also learnt that in Athens they have these things called brown outs were about half of our power would go out every night. We spent New Years in Athens as well and to our surprise the restaurant we went to was fairly empty. We also learnt that in Greece there is a fully functioning medieval town that a lot of locals go to. It is hidden behind a mountain and not visible to passers by so not very many tourists go there. We tried to find this town but were not able to and we had to come back to London the next day so we decided to go back to Athens. Then next day we flew back to London and the four of us stayed in my one bedroom flat. It was squishy but we managed to make it work. My dad helped me fix some fuses and lightbulbs I wasn’t able to do by myself. The next day my dad went back to Canada and it was a girls week. My mom, sister, and I did a lot of shopping last week. My sister and I also went horseback riding and of course it poured almost the whole time and the last five minutes of the ride it stopped raining. It was fun though. Thought this trip I realize how much I miss my family and spending time with them and just having other people around you all the time. I have truly learnt that even though London is such a big city and you will always have people around you it can get really lonely. I think that is the worse type of loneliness, being in a big crowd of people and still feeling alone. Yesterday was the last day my mom and sister were in London so we decided to go on a bit of a road trip and went to Cardiff, Wales for the day. We went and saw the castle in Cardiff and then went to Newport and did some shopping in a huge box store type of mall. My mom and sister left today, actually just about 2 hours ago. I went to the airport with them and dropped them off and came home. I really don’t have a lot to do this whole week. I am just really looking forward to seeing them again in about a week and a half.

I was thinking last night just how much I wish I was in my sister’s place and got to do 5 months here living with a host family and getting to go home now. I really wish I could have gone home with them or they could stay here, but as my mom says this is my time to find myself and discover what I am passionate about and what I want from life. It is hard and I’m sure after I see them again I will miss them even more when I have to leave them again. I don’t think I really realized how much I missed them until I saw them again and started spending time with them. Being apart has made my sister and I so much closer but at the same time we miss each other when we are apart and I really miss my mom. My sister and I are both such mommy’s girls that when she leaves it hurts and it just makes you want to break down and cry even just thinking about it. I know I will see them again soon as my sister is supposed to visit me in March for a week, but March just seems so far away. I am seeing them in 11 days now and 11 days seems like eternity.

I am seriously thinking about starting a YouTube channel now as well. My mom, sister, and friends have all told me I should think about  telling some of my stories that way so they can all hear them rather than me telling the same story 10 times. I think I might start a channel when I come up with something to say on it. If you have any suggestions or advice could you please let me know; whither its on starting a channel or creating content or even a channel name.

Anyways I think I’ll leave it there for now as I try my hardest to keep myself busy for the next 11 days. I have a couple things to do as my sister burnt out my lightbulb by hitting her head on the fixture. Oh also for anybody who live in the UK do you know any good private hire taxi companies?  Thanks. I will hopefully update you before I leave to see my family again and then probably sometime when I am with them.

Ashley xx

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Merry Christmas!

Hey guys,

This week I have been pretty busy. I have gone to Glasgow for my Christmas holiday. I also went to Doncaster yesterday to see some family friends. We left early in the morning as it is a 4 hour drive from Glasgow to Doncaster. I wish I could have spent a bit more time in Doncaster though. This is the second time we’ve been to Doncaster and we just go to our friend’s house and then leave. I really wanted a nice picture in Doncaster which did not happen. The family we went to visit has 3 children pretty close in age with my sister and I. Two days ago we spent the day at a chiropractor clinic in Glasgow as my mom put her back out. It was a long night before that as we had to help her get up and down and walk with her and so on. I also tried deep fried pizza for the first time. I just thought hey when in Rome… haha. I was surprised though I thought it would be covered in batter and deep fried but it wasn’t it just looked like normal pizza but kind of tasted like KFC.

I don’t have a lot that has happened yet but I will try my best to keep you guys updated if anything exciting happens. In the next couple days we are visiting more family friends. Today we are going to a Christmas dinner at a friend’s house and same with tomorrow. Oh in other exciting news my friend’s sister had her baby. Anyways I will update you all later. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas! Hope you guys have a great day.

Ashley xx


Very Exciting Week

Hey guys,

Last week was fantastic. I think it was one of the best if not the best weeks I’ve had since I’ve come to London. On Tuesday I went to see “BackChat” with another girl from Canada which was a lot of fun. The guests were Miranda Hart and Joan Collins. Miranda was very funny as well as Jack and Michael Whitehall and I learnt who Joan was that day as well. On Wednesday I went into central London to meet my cousin for dinner (which was great). I got to see Piccadilly Circus lit up for Christmas which was very pretty. I was really craving a burger and fries which I finally got and was fabulous. On Saturday I went to the stables to go for an induction so I would be able to start volunteering in the new year. Sunday I went out for lunch to my family friend’s house and we ate, watched Harry Potter, and got to cuddle with her dog, Gerry. Lastly this week I can not forget the most memorable, most exciting, most wow moment I’ve had in a long time. On Thursday I got to go the the BBC Music Awards!!!!!!!! I was so excited; the line up was amazing it included Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Clean Bandit, Calvin Harris (with John Newman and Ellie Goulding), George Ezra, Will.i.am, Take That, Labrinth and Ella Henderson, and the one the only ONE DIRECTION!! It was so good though I was right at the front so when Ed Sheeran was preforming he was literally right in front of me. The only downside was that One Direction preformed on the other side of the stage to where I was standing. We all got wrist bands that lit up and there was paper stars, strips, and gold sparkles that were shot into the air at different times. Coldplay preformed first which was amazing. I have always wanted to see Coldplay and they did not disappoint. We got in line at 4:30 and had to wait for doors to open at 6, which was pretty cold (I couldn’t feel my feet). Once we got inside though we found our spot which was wonderful and waited for the show to start. One thing I noticed was I thought that since we were in the standing area at the front it would be a bit more rowdy. I thought it would be like a music festival or like pushing or jumping or something but there was none of that. People all just picked their spot to stand and then never moved from that spot and were never really wild or anything. There was some screaming and lots of singing along and arms waving but it was all pretty calm for the most part. It was just the most amazing experience and I’m glad I got to go. I was so excited for Ed Sheeran and One Direction and now I really want to see both of them in concert so badly. I was talking to my sister after the event and I was just saying I just want to see them even more in concert now and I want to meet them and just be friends with them. I know that  makes me sound a bit crazy but oh well. It definatly one of the big highlights of my year and something I will always remember.




After the awards show my friend and I were talking about how through going to these type of events and tv show recordings (and her interning at a radio station) we are realizing that all of these performers or hosts or what ever they do are all just people. People like you and I but with a different talent. We were even talking about YouTubers in the same way because they are just people as well. We were also saying a difference we saw in the UK was that radio presenters are like celebrities here which we find kind of odd. We were talking about how society raises these people to a level above everyone else and its not right. It somewhat dehumanizes them. They are then known to everybody as a celebrity and not really seen as a person as much. I know this is a whole conversation and post of its own but I think people just need to realize that everybody is the same and people just have different talents but everybody is somebody’s brother/sister or cousin or friend or son/daughter. I realized this especially two years ago when I was talking to a girl who knew my cousin because he was on a singing show in Taiwan. It just made it clear that he could make it somewhere if he wanted to in the music business but either way he is still just my cousin and is the same person I grew up with and I’ll always see him that way. I just think that other people must think the same thing whither you are related to One Direction, Coldplay, Jack Whitehall, or somebody known well locally. Okay enough of this for now; I think this is a whole conversation for a later time but is really some food for thought.


This week won’t be half as interesting or busy as last week. I really have nothing to do until Thursday now. I am cleaning this week mostly, not that anything is messy. I am just doing a lot of laundry and getting ready for my mom to get here on Thursday. My whole family is spending Christmas together and we are going on vacation. Oh this week also I had another weird dream; this one was about pigeons. First of all I am terrified of pigeons; in my dream I had pigeons attacking me and I couldn’t do anything about it. Then on Saturday I was on the tube and there was a man feeding pigeons near the tube and I thought they were going to fly into the tube. Well the moral of that story is now I am even more terrified of pigeons and this is after I thought I was getting better about them.

In other news I’ve been craving take away pizza with the crust stuffed with cheese, fries, and mozzarella sticks. If anybody knows where the best places to get these are please let me know and I will be extremely grateful. I also got the BarryM lipstick Genie which is super cool and I have absolutely fallen in love with. You guys should let me know if you want to know about any of the stuff I’ve gotten or been loving and maybe I will do a post either as somewhat of a haul or a favourites. Let me know if you would want that though otherwise I will just continue on writing on what I’ve been up to lately.

I think thats everything for this update and I hope you liked all the pictures. I will update you hopefully a couple more times before Christmas but we’ll have to see how many times I am able to post closer to the time. Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you have a good festive season.

Ashley xx

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