Adventure, Life, Travel

Cancun, Mexico

Hey guys,

This one is a more recent update. Over Christmas I was in Cancun, Mexico with all of my dad’s side of the family. We were there for a week and it was so much fun!! I love it when all of my cousins get together and we can all just hang out.

During this trip we went to the Isla Mujeres where we rented golf carts and drove around the island. We stopped at a turtle sanctuary, went swimming in the ocean, and played beach volleyball. We had so much fun on the island swimming and everything.

We also went to Chichen Itza as a big group. My mom, sister, and I had been there before but nobody else had so we decided to go again. It was really hot that day and was the last day of our trip. We got to see and tour Chichen Itza as well as go to a water spring and swim in it. The day trip was a lot of fun.

Over the course of the trip we got to play on the beach, swim, relax, eat good food, and just have fun. One of my favourite memories of this trip is the last night. Almost all of us cousins went swimming after dinner and had the whole pool to ourselves. We got to jus float and talk and splash around. It was so much fun and will always have a special place in my heart. All of us cousins got to seadoo as well which was so much fun!! I had never done it before and was scared of tipping over at first but by the end I was speeding along just like everybody else having the time of my life! We got to play games with the whole family at night and all in all it was a super successful trip. I miss it already and I can’t wait to see everybody again especially all of my cousins!


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