Adventure, Life, Travel

Orlando, Florida

Hey guys,

So this post is really late. I started writing it then lost my post and then just got busy. In August I went to Florida! My whole family went as well as we met my aunt, uncle, and cousin there for a couple days. We were in Orlando for a week and stayed in a hotel were we basically got a huge apartment. It was a great place!

While we were there my sister and I went to Universal Studios as we really wanted to see “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter”. We got to see both sides of the Harry Potter section of Universal besides going on the Hogwart’s Express. Honestly after going to the Harry Potter Studio in Watford, England the Universal version was a bit of a disappointment. Since we had already had butter beer in Watford we decided to try the frozen butter beer at Universal, as it was so hot. We ended up only going on two rides besides the Hogwart’s Express. One being the Hogwart’s castle ride, which was really well done, and the other Gringott’s Bank. Both were a lot of fun. After talking to somebody else on one of the rides I was told that the best ride in both sections was the castle. On that ride you get to feel like you are going through the castle as a student as well as experience playing quidditch. It was all a lot of fun but the train was defiantly not something I would recommend trying more than once.

Later in the trip we also went to Disneyworld. I had not been to Disneyworld since I was 2 so this was basically a brand new experience for me. We went with our cousin, aunt, and uncle. We went to the Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and the Magic Kingdom. We spent most of our day in the Animal Kingdom and Epcot as we have been to Disneyland many times before. We went on the safari first as I had heard a lot about it. It was good to see all of the animals and it was a good way for us to stay out of the rain. We then saw the “Lion King” which is a performance they do. We walked around the rest of the Animal Kingdom looking around before heading over to Epcot. In Epcot we went on a bunch of rides. One of these being were you go through time and see how electronics and such have evolved over centuries. We also went on one where you are in a simulator and it makes you feel as if you are flying a rocket ship. As the day went on the queues kept getting longer and longer. My aunt wanted to go on the ride which is an aeroplane simulator and the queue for that was massive. We must have waiting like 2 hours for that ride. We finished off in the Magic Kingdom as my aunt really wanted to go there. We took the train around the park and went on one ride, a small world, and then parted ways. That evening we met with our parents and went out to a really nice dinner at a local restaurant which was amazing!! I don’t remember the name of the restaurant but if I come across it I will link it in this post.

During this trip we also went to Blue Spring National State Park. All 7 of us went and we went swimming for a bit which was a lot of fun. At the park we also saw manatees as well as alligators. There were people paddle boarding there as well as canoeing. During our trip we also went to an orange farm. We went on a tour of this farm and they had animals that either roamed free or had a large fenced in area which was much nicer to see rather than a zoo. We got to feed these animals as well from the truck which was fun. This orange farm also did monster challenges (a muddy obstacle course). They also had a shop were you could buy different little things such as alligator. My dad bought a little bit of alligator to try and we got orange creamsicle ice cream drinks.

On this trip we also went to the Kennedy Space Centre. We went through the whole centre and got to see the different launch pads as well as rockets and more. It was quite amazing to see it all. Its hard to explain everything we saw. I defiantly suggest going to see the Space Centre though.

Overall it was a really great trip. I would defiantly go back to Florida but I would want to see different things again next time. Sorry this post is so late but there will be more travel posts coming soon!


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