Adventure, Life, Travel

London and Cardiff

Hey guys,

So my last post was on leaving London but since then I’ve been back. A couple weeks after I left I went back as my dad had a meeting in Cardiff and I was joining him. We flew into London and spent a day and a half there before heading off to Cardiff.


I’ll talk about the London bit of the trip first. So the day we got to London we arrived around 12 and had plans to meet up with my cousin for dinner that evening. We meet him at Tottenham Court Road Station and headed to a place that serves flat iron steak. We each got a steak and shared some sides and it was so good. There was no fat on the steak and it was just so good. I highly suggest if you are in London you go to this place. I think it was actually called Flat Iron Steak. I will put a link in for it. It was super good though and a steak was only £10! Anyways we did that and had dessert there as well which was super good and then said our good byes and headed home for the night. The next day came and we had plans to go to a family friends for a BBQ.  We headed over and had a nice BBQ at their place and had strawberries and creme as it was during the time Wimbledon was on. It was a lovely afternoon before heading to Cardiff. That evening we got to Cardiff and the next bit of our trip began.

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In Cardiff my dad had meetings the whole time so for the most part I was on my own. I had been to Cardiff once before in January but only for a couple hours and we just saw the castle and walked along the high street. So this was a time for me to truly explore Cardiff and do some shopping along the way. We had three days in Cardiff before heading back to London. Everyday I went down new bits of Cardiff and then met up with my dad for dinner. The first night we went to Cardiff Bay and ate at Nando’s which is always good. My dad had never been to Nando’s before so I decided to take him there. We also explore the bay a bit before heading back which was nice. The next day we met up with a friend of his who he got in contact with after not seeing her for about 20 years I think. We said in Cardiff with her and went to Jamie Oliver’s for dinner which was really good. We then drove her back home as she doesn’t live in Cardiff. This allowed us to see more of Wales which was quite cool as I had only ever been in Cardiff and Newport before. The last night we went to the bay again and had dinner at Strada with a work friend of my dad’s before heading back to London.


In Cardiff I did quite a bit of shopping as I love the shops in the UK and I can’t get the same things in Canada. I have two more travel update type posts to do but I may also do a bit of a haul type post on the stuff I bought in Cardiff.

Anyways I will post more soon as there are two more travel posts to do because I suck at posting as things happen or right after they do. I also have concert type posts I may do if I remember as well. I will post soon and I hope you enjoyed this little update.

Ashley xx.


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