Adventure, Life

Leaving London…

Hey guys,

So here’s something sad: I’ve left London. I always knew this day would come but I never expected it to be like this. Ever since the Isle of Wight or just before that actually everything has been a world wind.


Since I decided to move back to Canada it has been a lot of phone calls to different companies. I’ve learnt just as much moving out as moving in. I have had to deal with electricity and gas companies, water companies, and the council to list a few. I had to clear the apartment and sold a lot of different things. I also saw a lot of different friends and family friends before leaving. I also saw my cousin for the last time for a little while. It was nice though. My mom, cousin, and I ended up going for Sunday roast with Yorkshire pudding the size of our faces. We then went to Regent’s Park and watched the cricket and just got to chat. Before seeing my cousin though I saw two different friends. With one friend we went to a film event which was interesting and then we went and got burgers which was very tasty. It was a fun night. With my other friend we decided to go for dessert and drinks. She found a German place and we got black forest cake and Radlers. It was so nice as we got to sit facing the river and watch the sun go down.

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My mom and I also met with family friends in London before leaving. We had friends down from Scotland so we went to dinner with their whole family. It was a lot of fun though as they have twins that are a year younger than me. We also had a dinner at their grandma’s house before leaving as well as a dinner/dessert with 3 family friends (from London).

All in all this year in London has been amazing. I kind of wish it never ended. It was a slow start trying to find things to do and meet people but once it got rolling it was actually a lot of fun. London will always have a special place in my heart and I will most defiantly be back. I loved being able to become so much closer to my cousin there and meeting so many new people as well as experiencing so many new things. I will never forget this and how much it meant to me. Thank you for the awesome experience London!

Ashley xx

Adventure, Horses, Life, Travel

Vienna, Austria

Hey guys!

Sorry this is so delayed but I’ve been super busy since my last post. So if you can’t tell by the title of this post I went to Austria. About 3 days after the Isle of Wight my mom came to London and later that day we went to Vienna. We had been planning this trip for a little while and I was super excited to go.


We arrived in Vienna and just hung out in our hotel the first night as we had to get up early the next day to explore the city. The first place we went was the Spanish Riding School as we were going to see a performance and go on a tour there the next day. We explored that area before we kept going. I made a friend in London who was actually from Austria so she gave us some hints of good places to see as well as things to try. We then went to the palace and got to go inside of it as well as into five different gardens. We then went to the Prater, which is an amusement park area, and explored for a bit and had dinner around there.

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The next day we woke up early and headed to the Spanish Riding School and saw the performance which was amazing. We then went on a tour of the yard and stables of the school and got to see all of the horses. After we went shopping on the two high streets in Vienna and then went to try some different foods. We tried Radler, a beer and lemonade mix, as well as this Austrian dessert that my friend told me was like cut up pancakes. I will put a picture below due to my terrible explanation. It was really good though.

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Even though we only had 2 days in Vienna it was a lot of fun and I would defiantly go back but maybe for a bit longer. The Spanish Riding School was most defiantly the highlight of this trip for me. I have heard about that school since I was very little and to be able to finally see it in person was just amazing.

I will be posting keeping up posts like this until I catch up to where I am now.

Ashley xx
