Adventure, Life, Travel

Isle of Wight

Hey guys,

So last weekend I went to the Isle of Wight!! This was the start to a busy couple weeks again. So on Saturday morning I headed off to meet my friends in Working and my other friend in Guilford to catch the train to go to Portsmouth. With my overpacked bags, as usual, I headed off to go on my first self planned holiday with friends. I had met two of the girls going on the trip once before as they were friends of a friend who was going on the trip with us. That day we booked our accommodations and made plans to go on this trip. The train to Portsmouth was not that long and we were able to catch the earlier ferry to the Isle of Wight and arrive there by 11 am. It was beautiful weather there when we arrived. We stopped to take lots of pictures on the way to the place we were staying as well as grabbing some groceries. It was quite lovely.

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After we got settled in the house we were staying in we decided to go out and explore the Isle of Wight. We thought we would walk to the rail station in order to eventually catch the steam rail. We ended up getting lost though in a forest meadow type area. We could see the rail station from the forest area just were not able to get to the station as it was fenced off on the one side we were on. We ended up finding another station and caught a train which lead to the steam rail. We then took the steam rail all the way to the end of the line, which is the southern part of the isle. We then took the steam rail back up and got off at a couple stops before coming back to Ryde, where we were staying.

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The next day we got up and went to Needles. We saw walked down to the beach and took the chair lift back up which was very windy but quite pretty. We also went into the glass blowing shop and got some sweets from the sweet shop. Needles is defiantly somewhere I recommend going. Its defiantly a place you want to go on a nice day though so you can enjoy it a bit more.


The last day we spent the morning in Ryde at the beach which was lovely. The rest of the day we spent in Portsmouth at the outlet shopping centre. We also walked around Portsmouth for a little bit before heading back to London. The last day is a bit blurry to me as I ended up getting sick and just felt horrible that day.

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All in all though the Isle of Wight was a lot of fun and is defiantly something I will remember. I would totally recommend going as it is just so different from the hustle and bustle of London.

Ashley xx.
